Why Voting for Kamala Harris Might Give You a Brain Tumor

In today’s world of rapidly advancing wireless technology, where cell towers dominate cityscapes and 5G infrastructure promises ever-faster connectivity, we’re left to ask one critical question: How much damage has already been done to public health? This question can no longer be swept under the rug, especially as we examine the political forces that have enabled unchecked technological expansion. Enter Kamala Harris: Vice President of the United States and a prominent figure in an administration that has systematically allowed corporate interests to override public safety. The truth is, voting for Harris is potentially a vote for future health crises—crises that could manifest in brain tumors, neurological disorders, and other life-threatening diseases linked to RF (radiofrequency) radiation.

The Capture of the FCC: A Story of Corporate Overreach

To understand how we got here, we must first look at the actions of the Democratic Party, which has played a central role in the corporate capture of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Under the Obama-Biden administration, Tom Wheeler was appointed to head the FCC—a man who, before his appointment, had led the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association), the primary lobbying arm of the wireless industry. This was the ultimate example of the fox guarding the henhouse.

Wheeler’s tenure marked a pivotal moment in the corporate capture of the FCC. Instead of prioritizing public health, Wheeler’s FCC catered to the wireless industry, allowing companies to roll out technologies like 5G without updating decades-old safety standards. The current RF safety guidelines, which were established in 1996, do not reflect modern scientific understanding of the dangers posed by RF radiation, especially its non-thermal effects.

The Overwhelming Scientific Evidence: RF Radiation’s Non-Thermal Biological Effects

While the telecommunications industry has long insisted that RF radiation is safe as long as it doesn’t cause significant heating (thermal effects), the science tells a different story. Over the past three decades, more than 2,500 peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated non-thermal biological effects from RF radiation. These effects, which occur at levels far below the current FCC safety limits, include:

  • Oxidative stress: Exposure to RF radiation has been shown to increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which leads to cellular damage and contributes to the development of cancer, neurological disorders, and other diseases. Approximately 89% of studies since 1997 have reported significant oxidative effects from RF radiation exposure.
  • DNA damage: Multiple studies have found that RF radiation can cause single- and double-strand breaks in DNA, which are precursors to cancer. About 70% of studies have observed genetic alterations and cellular damage.
  • Disruption of cellular signaling: RF radiation can interfere with the body’s bioelectric systems, disrupting normal cellular communication and triggering adverse biological responses, such as impaired immune function and abnormal cell growth.
  • Reproductive effects: RF radiation has been linked to reduced fertility and developmental problems in offspring, with 83% of studies showing effects on reproduction.

These non-thermal effects can lead to long-term health problems, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, infertility, and cardiovascular issues. The fact that the current FCC guidelines only address thermal effects while ignoring these documented risks is a glaring failure of public health policy.

The NTP’s Groundbreaking Findings—and the Biden-Harris Administration’s Neglect

One of the most significant studies on the effects of RF radiation comes from the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a 10-year, $30 million research effort that provided clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer. The study found that male rats exposed to RF radiation developed malignant brain tumors (gliomas) and heart tumors (schwannomas). Importantly, these effects occurred without significant heating, underscoring the dangers of non-thermal RF radiation.

You would think that an administration championing science and health would act on these findings. However, under the Biden-Harris administration, funding for the NTP’s wireless research was diverted, effectively shutting down one of the few government programs investigating RF radiation’s risks. The irony is particularly painful: Joe Biden lost his son, Beau Biden, to the very type of brain cancer (glioblastoma) that RF radiation is linked to, and yet his administration has done nothing to address the mounting evidence of harm.

RFK Jr.’s Lawsuit and the Ongoing Corporate Influence Over the FCC

In 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Environmental Health Trust won a critical lawsuit against the FCC. The court found that the FCC had failed to update its safety standards to account for new scientific evidence, particularly regarding non-thermal effects of RF radiation. The court’s ruling was a major victory for public health advocates, as it called out the FCC for neglecting its responsibility to protect the public from the risks of RF radiation.

Yet, in the years since this ruling, the FCC—under the Biden-Harris administration—has done nothing to update the outdated safety guidelines. The agency continues to operate under the same standards set in 1996, ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus that RF radiation has non-thermal biological effects that pose serious health risks. The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to act on this evidence is a stark example of corporate influence overriding public safety.

The Bioelectric Threat: Understanding How RF Radiation Disrupts Cellular Health

At the heart of the issue is the way RF radiation disrupts the body’s bioelectric systems. Every cell in the human body relies on bioelectric signaling to function properly. RF radiation interferes with these signals, leading to disruptions in cellular communication and triggering a cascade of harmful biological effects. This disruption can cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, and alterations in gene expression, all of which are linked to cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive harm.

Moreover, RF radiation has been shown to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, allowing harmful substances to enter the brain and potentially leading to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. The fact that children are more vulnerable to these effects due to their developing brains and thinner skulls makes this issue even more urgent.

Public Health Neglect Under Kamala Harris

As Vice President, Kamala Harris has been complicit in this public health neglect. Her administration has allowed the wireless industry to continue expanding its infrastructure, rolling out new technologies like 5G without fully understanding—or caring about—the long-term health consequences. The Democratic Party’s complicity in allowing the FCC to be captured by corporate interests has endangered millions of Americans, who are now exposed to RF radiation levels that are far higher than what current safety standards account for.

Cancer rates are rising. Neurological disorders are becoming more common. The evidence linking RF radiation to these diseases is overwhelming, yet the FCC—under Democratic leadership—has done nothing to address these risks.

RF Safe’s Mission: Protecting Future Generations

Organizations like RF Safe have taken up the mantle of public health advocacy, demanding that the FCC update its safety guidelines to reflect the current scientific understanding of RF radiation’s non-thermal effects. Founded by John Coates, RF Safe is dedicated to educating the public about the risks of EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure and advocating for policies that prioritize public health over corporate profits.

The organization also emphasizes the need to protect children, who are particularly vulnerable to RF radiation due to their thinner skulls and developing tissues. Coates, whose own daughter was a victim of EMF-related health issues, has made it his life’s mission to ensure that future generations are safeguarded from the dangers of wireless technology.

The Misclassification of RF Radiation Health Risks: Why It Matters

The continued misclassification of RF radiation as safe based solely on thermal effects is a public health crisis. It ignores decades of research showing that non-thermal effects are real, pervasive, and harmful. The failure to account for these effects leaves the public vulnerable to a host of health problems, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive harm.

This misclassification also stalls research and innovation. By refusing to acknowledge the non-thermal effects of RF radiation, we lose out on opportunities to develop safer technologies and medical interventions. For example, treatments like TheraBionic, which use specific RF frequencies to target cancer cells, show that RF radiation can have profound biological effects at non-thermal levels. If these effects can be used to kill cancer cells, it stands to reason that similar exposures in everyday life could have unintended negative consequences.

Conclusion: A Vote for Harris Is a Vote for Neglect

Kamala Harris’s political career is not just a story of corporate capture—it’s a story of public health neglect. By failing to prioritize the health risks posed by RF radiation, her administration has allowed the wireless industry to operate without meaningful oversight, placing millions of Americans at risk. Cancer rates are rising, neurological disorders are becoming more common, and the science tells us that RF radiation may be a contributing factor.

When you cast your vote for Kamala Harris, remember: you’re not just voting for the status quo—you’re voting for a future where your health and the health of your children are at risk. It’s time to demand accountability from our leaders and hold them responsible for the public health crises they have allowed to fester.

The upcoming election presents a critical opportunity to take action and protect future generations from the dangers of RF radiation. Your vote might just be the most important decision you make—for your health and your future.

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