Rising Cancer Rates in Younger Generations and the Hidden Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation

Cancer cases in younger generations are continuing to rise at a disturbing rate, according to a massive new study from the American Cancer Society (ACS). The analysis considers the health data of more than 23 million US patients, born between 1920 and 1990, who were later diagnosed with cancer from 2000 to 2019. Compared to baby boomers, researchers found Gen Xers and millennials are at a higher risk of developing 17 out of 34 considered cancers, including leukemia, breast cancer, and gastric cancer.

Additionally, a significant body of research indicates potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Major studies like the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, REFLEX Project, BioInitiative Report, and the work of researchers like Dr. Henry Lai collectively point towards an increased health risk from cell phone-level EMR. These findings suggest the need for caution in dismissing potential risks.

Research Objectives and Methodology

The study aimed to examine cancer incidence and mortality trends, by birth cohort, for 34 types of cancer in the USA. Incidence data were obtained from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, and mortality data from the US National Center for Health Statistics. The data covered individuals aged 25-84 years for the period from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2019.

Key Findings

Cancer Types with Increased Incidence

Researchers found that the incidence rate ratios (IRRs) increased with each successive birth cohort born since approximately 1920 for eight types of cancer. Notably, the incidence rate was approximately two-to-three times higher in the 1990 birth cohort than in the 1955 birth cohort for small intestine, kidney and renal pelvis, and pancreatic cancers. Additionally, IRRs increased in younger cohorts for nine other cancers, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, colorectal cancer, and testicular cancer.

Factors Contributing to Increased Cancer Risk

Potential causes and risk factors for the increased cancer incidence include obesity, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. Ten of the 17 cancers with increasing incidence in younger cohorts are related to obesity. Researchers suspect that younger generations, under the age of 50, are increasingly exposed to carcinogens in early life or young adulthood.

The Misconception of Non-Thermal Radiation

Outdated Beliefs

For too long, it has been assumed that non-thermal radiation exposure, such as EMF radiation from wireless devices, is harmless. This belief is rooted in outdated guidelines that focus solely on thermal effects, ignoring the subtle yet profound impacts of non-thermal radiation on biological systems.

The Reality of Non-Thermal Effects

Scientific evidence increasingly shows that non-thermal radiation can cause significant biological dissonances, even at levels below which heating occurs. These effects include hormonal imbalances, neural development issues, and a host of other health problems. The pervasive exposure to this entropic waste is a silent yet pervasive threat to all living things.

The Real Threat of Non-Thermal Radiation and Entropic Waste

The Importance of Recognizing Life as Sustained Energy

Life is not merely a body of mass; it is sustained energy. Bioelectrical networks, the living fields of energy within and around us, are the true essence of life. These networks orchestrate the complex processes that sustain living organisms, and disruptions to these fields can lead to severe health consequences.

Entropic Waste and Biological Dissonances

The fundamental forces of energy used in technology emit pollution in the form of entropic waste. This waste directly causes biological dissonances, disrupting the delicate balance of bioelectrical networks. These disruptions can lead to a range of health issues, from mental disorders to chronic physical ailments.

Mental Health Effects

Exposure to non-thermal radiation and entropic waste has been linked to various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline. These effects are particularly concerning for children, whose developing brains are more susceptible to environmental influences.

Physical Health Effects

The physical health impacts of non-thermal radiation exposure are equally alarming. Research has shown links to hormonal disruptions, reproductive issues, and increased cancer risk. The cumulative effect of these exposures poses a significant threat to public health.

The Need for Updated Guidelines and Research

Updating FCC Guidelines

The current FCC guidelines are based on outdated science that fails to account for non-thermal effects. We must update these guidelines to reflect the latest scientific understanding of bioelectrical networks and the impacts of EMF radiation.

Restarting NTP Research

The National Toxicology Program’s research on wireless health effects was halted, diverting essential funding to other areas. This research must be restarted and prioritized to understand and mitigate the health impacts of non-thermal radiation exposure.

Advancements in RF Radiation Research

Therapeutic Potential of RF-EMF Treatment

Recent reviews state, “Existent literature points toward a yet untapped therapeutic potential of RF-EMF treatment which might aid in damaging cancer cells through bioelectrical and electromechanical molecular mechanisms while minimizing adverse effects on healthy tissue cells.”

Examples of Non-Thermal Interactions

Advancements in RF radiation research show biological interactions beyond thermal effects. For example, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment employs RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones, effectively treating inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level. This includes resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and potential modulation of the immune system. This challenges the traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties.

A Call to Recognize and Act

Recognize Life as Energy

We must fundamentally shift our understanding of life to recognize it as sustained energy, not just mass. This perspective will help us better understand the true nature of biological systems and the impacts of environmental factors on health.

Addressing Entropic Waste

We must acknowledge that the entropic waste emitted by technological devices is a significant pollutant that disrupts bioelectrical networks. By addressing this pollution, we can mitigate its harmful effects and protect the health of current and future generations.

Mobilizing Public Awareness

Public awareness is crucial. We must educate people about the real threats posed by non-thermal radiation and entropic waste. This includes advocating for updated regulatory guidelines and supporting research into the health effects of EMF radiation.


The outdated belief that non-thermal radiation exposure is harmless and the failure to recognize life as sustained energy are causing a cascade of health effects that threaten the quality of life for all. By addressing these misconceptions and recognizing the true nature of bioelectrical networks, we can take meaningful steps to protect public health. It is time to act and ensure a healthier, safer future for all.

The Founding of RF Safe: A Personal Journey

RF Safe was established in 1998 in response to John Coates’s personal tragedy when his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, passed away in 1995 from a rare neural tube disorder called Anencephaly. Driven by his personal experience and inspired by a 1997 study by Carl Blackman et al. on the effects of weak magnetic fields on chick embryos (Bioelectromagnetics. 1997;18(1):71-85), John began researching the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the human body. He concluded that EMR exposure could potentially be causing a variety of medical disorders, including the one that took his daughter’s life. This personal loss and the subsequent realization about the dangers of EMR exposure led to the founding of RF Safe as a platform to educate others about the potential dangers of RF radiation exposure and provide solutions for reducing exposure.

Detailed Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation Research

Interphone Study

The Interphone study, one of the largest of its kind, investigated the possible link between cell phone use and brain tumors. It found an increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma among heavy cell phone users.

Hardell Group Studies

The Hardell group in Sweden conducted several studies that indicated a higher risk of brain tumors among long-term cell phone users, particularly for those who started using cell phones before the age of 20.


The CERENAT study from France also reported an increased risk of glioma among the heaviest users of cell phones, adding to the body of evidence suggesting a link between cell phone radiation and brain tumors.

U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)

The NTP conducted extensive animal studies and found clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats exposed to high levels of cell phone radiation. These findings have significant implications for human health.

Ramazzini Institute Study

The Ramazzini Institute in Italy replicated the NTP’s findings at lower radiation levels, consistent with typical human exposures, further supporting the potential health risks of EMR.

REFLEX Project

The REFLEX project, funded by the European Union, found that exposure to EMR can cause DNA damage and other cellular effects that could lead to cancer.

BioInitiative Report

The BioInitiative Report, compiled by an international group of scientists, reviewed over 1800 studies and concluded that EMR exposure is linked to various health issues, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive problems.

Work of Dr. Henry Lai

Dr. Henry Lai’s research at the University of Washington showed that EMR can cause DNA breaks in the brain cells of rats, suggesting potential mechanisms for cancer development and other health issues.

Implications for Public Health

The cumulative evidence from these studies highlights the need for updated safety guidelines that account for non-thermal effects of EMR. Current guidelines primarily focus on thermal effects, ignoring the significant biological interactions that occur at non-thermal levels. Public health policies must be revised to reflect the latest scientific understanding and to protect populations from potential harm.

Future Directions

Further research is essential to fully understand the health impacts of EMR exposure. Studies should focus on long-term exposure, vulnerable populations such as children, and the combined effects of multiple sources of EMR. Additionally, public awareness campaigns are crucial to educate people about safe practices to minimize exposure.


The rising cancer rates in younger generations and the hidden dangers of electromagnetic radiation underscore the need for a fundamental shift in our understanding and approach to public health. By recognizing life as sustained energy and addressing the pollution caused by technological devices, we can take meaningful steps to protect current and future generations from the harmful effects of EMR. It is time to update safety guidelines, restart critical research, and raise public awareness to ensure a healthier and safer future for all.


  • Sung H, Jiang C, Bandi P, et al. Differences in cancer rates among adults born between 1920 and 1990 in the USA: an analysis of population-based cancer registry data. Lancet Public Health. 2024;9


  • Zahra Atarodi Kashani, Reza Pakzad, Farzaneh Rashidi Fakari, et al. Electromagnetic fields exposure on fetal and childhood abnormalities: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Medicine 2023;18:20230697.

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