Is Wireless Radiation Driving the Rise in Neurodivergence and School Shootings?

In the wake of the tragic school shooting at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia, where 14-year-old Colt Gray opened fire, killing four people, many are left asking, how did this happen? Classmates described Gray as “pretty quiet,” often giving one-word answers, regularly skipping class, and exhibiting signs of social withdrawal. These behavioral patterns, which some might classify as neurodivergent, raise a crucial question: Could the environment in which today’s children are growing up—an environment saturated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless technology—be contributing to the rise in neurodivergent behavior and, in extreme cases, violent acts?

The increase in school shootings, neurodivergence, and behavioral disorders like autism, ADHD, and emotional dysregulation seems to coincide with the rapid proliferation of wireless devices in the late 1990s. Yet, despite mounting evidence, there has been little investigation into the role that EMFs might play in this troubling trend. As a society, we must ask: What if the unchecked expansion of wireless technology is silently altering the development of our children’s brains, leading to the mental instability and violence we see today?

The Shooter’s Behavior: Signs of Neurodivergence

Classmates of Colt Gray, the alleged shooter, noted that he was “pretty quiet” and often gave one-word answers when speaking. One classmate revealed that Gray regularly skipped class and that his withdrawal from social interactions was noticeable. “When you think about shooters and how they act or things that they do, it’s usually the quiet kid,” she said, adding that Gray fit that description. These signs of social withdrawal and difficulty communicating are often associated with neurodivergent conditions, which are on the rise in today’s youth.

But what could be driving this increase in neurodivergence? Is it merely a coincidence that we’re seeing more children with conditions like ADHD, autism, and other developmental disorders in the same time frame that wireless technology has become omnipresent?

A First Principles Approach: EMFs and Neurodevelopment

To understand the potential link between EMFs and neurodivergence, we must return to first principles. The human brain operates on a delicate balance of bioelectric signals, which are critical for everything from cognitive development to emotional regulation. EMFs, which are emitted by wireless devices, have been shown to interfere with these bioelectric processes, particularly in developing brains.

Research has demonstrated that exposure to EMFs can lead to disruptions in neural communication, hormonal imbalances, and increased oxidative stress—factors that have been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, autism, and emotional dysregulation. If the brain’s natural ability to regulate emotions and impulses is compromised by EMFs, it stands to reason that some children may be more prone to violent behavior.

Cognitive and Behavioral Impacts:

  • Studies show that non-thermal electromagnetic radiation can alter brain activity, leading to changes in cognitive function and behavior. These changes have been linked to disorders like ADHD and autism, as well as increased aggression and emotional instability.

Hormonal Disruption:

  • EMF exposure has also been shown to disrupt hormone regulation, particularly during adolescence, when the brain is undergoing significant changes. Hormones like testosterone and serotonin, which are critical for mood regulation and social behavior, can be altered by wireless radiation, potentially contributing to the rise in gender dysphoria, mood swings, and even aggression.

Outdated Safety Guidelines and the Role of the FCC

One of the most alarming aspects of this issue is that safety guidelines for wireless devices have not been updated in decades. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) still bases its safety limits on outdated research that only considers the thermal effects of radiation—whether the radiation heats tissues—but ignores the growing body of evidence that shows the non-thermal biological effects of EMFs, including their impact on brain development.

It’s no secret that the FCC has been heavily influenced by the wireless industry. Under the leadership of figures like Tom Wheeler, a former head of the CTIA (the wireless industry’s lobbying arm), the FCC has failed to protect the public from the dangers of EMFs, prioritizing industry interests over public health. The lack of updated safety guidelines has left a generation of children exposed to potentially harmful levels of radiation.

As more and more children show signs of neurodivergence—conditions that, in extreme cases, may lead to violence—the government’s failure to act becomes not just a public health issue, but a matter of life and death.

EMFs, Neurodivergence, and School Shootings: A Call for Investigation

The rise in school shootings cannot be viewed in isolation. While gun control and mental health care are crucial components of the solution, we must also consider the potential role of environmental factors like EMFs in driving the mental instability we’re seeing in today’s youth. The correlation between the rise of wireless technology and the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders and school shootings is too significant to ignore.

From a first-principles perspective, the disruption of bioelectric signals by EMFs could impair children’s ability to regulate their emotions, leading to impulsive and sometimes violent behavior. Hormonal imbalances caused by EMFs may further exacerbate these issues, making children more prone to aggression and mood swings.

Yet, despite the growing body of evidence linking EMFs to neurodevelopmental disorders, no one is asking the right questions. Why aren’t we investigating how wireless radiation may be contributing to the mental health crisis and violent behaviors among today’s youth?

A Potential Cover-Up: Is the Deep State Behind This?

Some have gone so far as to suggest that the government’s inaction on EMF safety is not simply neglect, but a deliberate attempt to control society. According to this theory, by allowing EMFs to proliferate unchecked, the government—or what some call the “deep state”—is creating a generation of neurodivergent, emotionally unstable individuals who are easier to control.

The theory posits that key figures, such as Tom Wheeler’s appointment to the FCC, were part of a calculated effort to ensure that safety guidelines would remain outdated, keeping the public in the dark about the true dangers of EMFs. The decision by the Biden-Harris administration to allow the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) research on EMFs and cancer to run out of funding only adds to the suspicion that there is a concerted effort to suppress the truth.

Whether or not one subscribes to this theory, the facts remain: EMFs are a real and growing threat to public health, and the government’s failure to address this issue is a serious cause for concern.

A Call to Action: Protect Our Children from the Unseen Dangers of EMFs

Whether we believe in a grand conspiracy or not, the evidence is clear: EMFs can disrupt brain development, hormonal balance, and emotional regulation, leading to an increased risk of neurodivergence and, in extreme cases, violent behavior. It’s time for the public to demand action. Here’s what we must do:

  1. Update FCC Guidelines: The FCC must update its safety guidelines to reflect the latest research on the non-thermal biological effects of EMFs.
  2. Restart and Fund Critical Research: The National Toxicology Program’s research on EMFs must be fully funded and restarted to continue its vital work on understanding the long-term health effects of EMFs, including their potential link to neurodivergence and violence.
  3. Raise Public Awareness: Parents, educators, and health professionals need to be informed about the potential dangers of EMFs and how to protect children from exposure. Public awareness campaigns must be launched to educate the public on this issue.
  4. Take Precautionary Measures: Schools, homes, and public spaces must take precautionary steps to minimize exposure to wireless radiation, particularly for children, whose developing brains are most vulnerable.

Conclusion: A Wake-Up Call for Our Society

We are at a crossroads. The rise of neurodivergence, mental health disorders, and violent behavior in today’s youth is not a coincidence. As our society becomes increasingly reliant on wireless technology, we must confront the possibility that EMFs are playing a role in this mental health crisis. By taking a first-principles approach to examining the impact of EMFs on brain development, we can begin to address the root causes of these issues and protect future generations from the unseen dangers of wireless radiation.

The time to act is now. We must demand that the FCC restore its role as a protector of public health, rather than a mouthpiece for the wireless industry. Only then can we hope to prevent further tragedies like the one at Apalachee High School—and ensure that our children grow up in an environment that supports their healthy development.

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