Category Archives: QuantaDose Press Releases

High Energy Ozone LLC Far-UV Sterilray vs Healthe Inc, Far UV Technologies Inc, Eden Park Illumination Inc, Larson Electronics LLC – Patent Right or Inalienable Right to Electromagnetic Spectrum

Your Content Goes Here Far-UV Sterilray Demands This Page Is Removed – See LinkedIn Chat – Click Here STERILRAY vs EDEN PARK ILLUMINATION, INC STERILRAY vs FAR UV TECHNOLOGIES HEALTHE, INC vs FAR-UV STERILRAY STERILRAY vs . LARSON ELECTRONICS LLC This is just sickening. No pun intended! 3.5 million people are dead, and Far-UV Sterilray […]

Far UVC Light Manufacturers Unite On 4-23 Trump’s Infamous “Very Powerful Light” Remark With Annual Global Sales Event

Quanta X Technology, the Florida-based pandemic start-up that upgraded the UVGI acronym to include Active Personnel AP-UVGI, kept terminology up-to-date with the lightning speed pace of Far-UVC innovation the pandemic has spawned has organized a multi-national sale-day event immortalizing the anniversary date of Trump’s Infamous “Very Powerful Light” statement with an annual 4-23 sales event […]

Add 2.22eV to current 372nm sub-visible light Li-Fi technology at 3.33eV equals 5.55eV for 223.3nm Far-UVC communications or UVGi-Fi for short!

Simply increase the photon energy by 2.22eV on today’s current 372nm 3.33eV sub-visible light Li-Fi technology equals 5.55eV for 223.3nm Far-UVC communications or UVGi-Fi Electron-volt (eV) Wavelength (nm) RF >> Megahertz (MHz)  Gigahertz (GHz)  Light >> Terahertz (THz )  Petahertz (PHz) Known 23nm AP-UVGI Window: Wavelengths 207nm – 230nm || Electron-volts 5.99 eV – 5.39 […]

Trump and Coronavirus: The Media Gets Unspun By International Observance Of VERY POWERFUL LIGHT Day 4-23


Your Content Goes Here What Happens on Linkedin doesn’t always stay on LinkedIn. Let’s be clear at Quanta X Technology; we only see life and light; what makes us different makes us beautiful! Quanta X Technology organized the first globally recognized Far-UVC “Very Powerful Light” sale on 4-23-2021, thus internationally commemorating the date corporately owned […]

UVS Ultra Violet Pty Ltd Thinks Women Can Understand the Principles of FAR-UVC light When It Is Only The Laws of Physics Apply – Alpha This!

Owner, UVS Ultra Violet Pty Ltd Hi Katie, The Inverse Square Law relates to a Point Source of Light, which obviously a UVC Lamp is not, but this is only one item that needs to be taken into calculations. As you move away from the Right Angle from any UVC Lamp the Irradiance Values start […]

How To Safely Install Far-UVC lighting for AP-UVGI Using Lights Inverse-Square Law of Distance To Understand Power, Distance and Time Dosage Requirements and Limitations


Your Content Goes Here Is The Inverse-Square Law of Distance Important? When mounting an overhead Far-UVC ceiling light with a ceiling height of 10 feet, there’s a 75% drop in light power from 1 Foot to 2 Feet, but only a 5% drop in light from 4 feet to 10 feet with only 1% of […]

The Quanta X Technology Manufactures Sample Seller Program

Your Content Goes Here What is Quanta X Technology Far UVC Light Manufactures and Far UVC Light Distributors Sample Seller Program? Let there be no mistake; this is a war raging between two worlds — the enemy lurks in the microscopic world, ambushing the living in our macroscopic world! The time has come not to […]

It Is Time To Evolve! The New Technology Age of Aquarius and FAR-UVC Light


Your Content Goes Here It Is Time To Evolve! The New Technology Age of Aquarius and FAR-UVC Light Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic it was the suppression of Far-UVC light eons ago that allowed for life outside murky water to thrive (from photosynthesis inside algae to oxygen and ozone) with […]

UV-C Test Results Flow Chart – QuantaDose UV-C Test Card is a Two-part UV Test Card

The QuantaDose UV-C test card is a two-part UV test card. Step 1 Introduction: Step 1 confirms UV-C wavelengths by glowing green only when exposed to invisible UV-C light between 222-280nm. Confirming the wavelength indicator in Step 1 is necessary to ensure the intensity measurement in Step 2 measures intensity levels from scientifically established UVGI […]

UV-C LED Disinfection Principle

UV-C Disinfection Principle UV-C: 100-280nm, (the most common UV-C LED produces UV light at a wavelength between 260-280nm that can effectively destroy DNA/RNA of germs and bacteria). UV-B: 280-315nm, primarily used in protein analysis and medicinal light therapy. UV-A: 315-400nm, primarily used for the curing of polymers and printer inks. UV-C refers to ultraviolet light, […]