UV-C LED Disinfection Principle

UV-C Disinfection Principle

UV-C: 100-280nm, (the most common UV-C LED produces UV light at a wavelength between 260-280nm that can effectively destroy DNA/RNA of germs and bacteria).

UV-B: 280-315nm, primarily used in protein analysis and medicinal light therapy.

UV-A: 315-400nm, primarily used for the curing of polymers and printer inks.

UV-C refers to ultraviolet light, which can penetrate the cell membrane and nucleus of organisms, destroy DNA or RNA, cause growth cell death and regenerative cell death, and achieve disinfection. In nature, almost all UV-C is filtered out by the atmosphere before reaching the Earth’s surface.

UV-C LEDs used to be an expensive technology, costing more than their weight in gold

UV-C LEDs were originally developed by Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. in the USA to disinfect water for astronauts.

The cost of each diode was about the US $1,400/PCS at that time.

As recently as 2017, the price of each diode was US $20/PCS.

As recently as 2020, the price of each diode was is around US $9/PCS.

Nowadays, driven by innovative technology, UV-C LEDs are becoming common consumer products and coming into our lives rapidly as we fight the war on novel flu.

UV-C LEDs produce ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 260-280nm, eliminating 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. So far, no germs and bacteria resistant to UV-C have been found.

UV-C LEDs do not produce chemical pollution or ozone.

*Ozone will corrode the mucosa of the respiratory tract and cause serious damage to the respiratory tract.

*UV below 240nm will decompose oxygen in the air to form ozone.