Monthly Archives: July 2024

Phone Radiation Links

AI Alignment in the Age of Deceptive Science: The Cell Phone Saga as a Blueprint – 0/0 internal links updated (6 total links found) Cell Phone Radiation: A Complex Issue That Requires AI Alignment for Accurate Information – 0/0 internal links updated (6 total links found) The Cell Phone Radiation Debate: A Cautionary Tale for AI Alignment – […]

Will Absorbing a Little Radiation from Your Phone Cause Cancer? Maybe!

The Silent Call of Danger It’s a typical afternoon. Your phone rings, its familiar buzz vibrating against the desk. Unbeknownst to you, with each ring, a cascade of invisible events begins within your body, triggered by the radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted by your device. The Invisible Energy Transfer When you answer the call, the phone […]